European Foundation
for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions

The tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist
in the development of better social, employment and
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EU PolicyWatch

Database of national-level policy measures

Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.

Factsheet for measure RO-2020-12/767 – measures in Romania

Extended right to medical leave and allowances for quarantine leave

Extinderea eligibilității pentru acordarea concediilor și indemnizațiior de asigurări sociale de sănătate

Country Romania , applies nationwide
Time period Temporary, 21 March 2020 – 15 May 2020
Context COVID-19
Type Legislations or other statutory regulations
Category Income protection beyond short-time work
– Paid sick leave
Author Victoria Stoiciu (European Institute of Romania)
Measure added 22 April 2020 (updated 03 May 2020)

Background information

According to the changes brought by EGO 30/2020, for the duration of the COVID-19-related emergency state (21 March - 15 May 2020), the eligibility for the medical leave was extended for those who haven’t paid the minimum contributions for the healthcare system (which is generally 6 months). This change entitles every employee to paid quarantine leave (which amounts to 75% of the basic salary) as well as other types of medical leave.

Content of measure

As a preventive measure, EGO no. 30/2020 amended the EGO 158/2005 (which contains regulations concerning medical and quarantine leave and the social insurance benefits), in order to extend the right to paid medical leave for all employees, regardless of the duration of their contribution to the health insurance system. Before the change, EGO158/2005 granted paid medical and quarantine leave only for the employees that had their contribution paid for minimum 6 months. The paid quarantine leave amounts for 75% of the basic salary.

Additionally, the period during which people in quarantine may request payment of medical leave has doubled from 90 to 180 days. These regulations are valid during the period of emergency established by Decree 195/2020 (so far 15 March – 15 May 2020) and are intended to prevent illnesses.

Use of measure

Whilst the total number of employees that are on quarantine/medical leave is still not known, approximately 13,000 people were quarantined as of 22 April in Romania. However no data is available concerning their employment status yet.

Target groups

Workers Businesses Citizens
Employees in standard employment
Does not apply to businesses Does not apply to citizens

Actors and funding

Actors Funding
National government
Company / Companies
Public employment service
Social insurance
National funds

Social partners

Social partners' role in designing the measure and form of involvement:

Trade unions Employers' organisations
Role Consulted Consulted
Form Consultation through tripartite or bipartite social dialogue bodies Consultation through tripartite or bipartite social dialogue bodies

Social partners' role in the implementation, monitoring and assessment phase:

  • No involvement
  • Main level of involvement: Peak or cross-sectoral level



Views and reactions

Social partners have been consulted in the framework of the National Council for Tripartite Social Dialog.



Eurofound (2020), Extended right to medical leave and allowances for quarantine leave, measure RO-2020-12/767 (measures in Romania), EU PolicyWatch, Dublin,


Eurofound publications based on EU PolicyWatch

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Disclaimer: This information has not been subject to the full Eurofound evaluation, editorial and publication process.