Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.
Factsheet for measure PT-2022-1/2916 – measures in Portugal
Country | Portugal , applies nationwide |
Time period | Temporary, 01 January 2022 – 31 December 2026 |
Context | COVID-19, War in Ukraine |
Type | Legislations or other statutory regulations |
Category |
Promoting the economic, labour market and social recovery into a green future
– Support for fuel expenses |
Author | Ana Teixeira - CESIS |
Measure added | 16 September 2022 (updated 21 September 2022) |
The Portuguese Government has issued a set of measures with the objective to support families, consumers in general, and businesses, amidst the rising prices of fuel and other energy products, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the further exponential increase in fuel energy prices as a consequence of the war in Ukraine.
This measure falls within the scope of the specific support provided for the freight transportation sector, and applies specifically to category D vehicles, operating in road transportation of goods for third parties.
This measure stipulates a 50% reduction in the Single Tax on Circulation (IUC) for road transportation of goods for third persons, and is specifically applicable to category D vehicles (freight transportation vehicles). Law 84/2021, of 6 December, changes the rates set in the Single Tax Circulation Code (Law 22-A/2007, of June 29) and extends article 70 of the support measures for road transportation of the Fiscal Benefits Statute (Decree-Law 215/89, of 1 July) until 31 December 2026.
No information to date.
Workers | Businesses | Citizens |
Does not apply to workers |
Sector specific set of companies
Does not apply to citizens |
Actors | Funding |
National government
National funds
Social partners' role in designing the measure and form of involvement:
Trade unions | Employers' organisations | |
Role | No involvement | No involvement |
Form | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Social partners' role in the implementation, monitoring and assessment phase:
No involvement of any social partner in the design, implementation, and monitoring of the measure.
According to the Association of Public Road Freight Transportation (Antram, 4 November 2021), the national association provided to the Minister of Infrastructures with a set of required structural measures included in a claim package, even before the current scenario of the escalation of fuel prices. The measure falls within the scope of those measures. Antram also stated that, although relevant for companies and the transportation sector, these measures will not be sufficient to mitigate the escalation of fuel prices, in the case that the growing trend is maintained.
This case is sector-specific
Economic area | Sector (NACE level 2) |
H - Transportation And Storage | H49 Land transport and transport via pipelines |
This case is not occupation-specific.
Eurofound (2022), Reduction of Single Tax on Circulation (IUC) for freight transport, measure PT-2022-1/2916 (measures in Portugal), EU PolicyWatch, Dublin,
30 January 2023
Governments across the EU continue to implement policies to support citizens and businesses in the face of rising food and energy prices caused by the COVID-19 crisis and intensified by the war in Ukraine. This article summarises the policy responses as reported in Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch database from January to September 2022.
Article12 September 2022
Although the worldwide pandemic situation had already disrupted supply chains and triggered increases in energy and food prices in 2021, the situation deteriorated in 2022 with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Article12 September 2022
This article summarises the first policy responses that governments across the EU have started to implement to support companies affected by the rising prices, and those with commercial ties to Ukraine, Russia or Belarus.
Article5 July 2022
This article summarises the first policy responses of EU Member States, including those of the social partners and other civil society actors, enabling refugees to exercise their rights under the Temporary Protection Directive.
ArticleDisclaimer: This information has not been subject to the full Eurofound evaluation, editorial and publication process.