European Foundation
for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions

The tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist
in the development of better social, employment and
work-related policies

EU PolicyWatch

Database of national-level policy measures

Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.

Factsheet for measure PT-2020-23/966 – measures in Portugal

Support to companies for hiring on the basis of teleworking contracts in interior regions

Apoio à contratação em regime de teletrabalho/regiões do interior

Country Portugal , applies nationwide
Time period Open ended, started on 06 June 2020
Context COVID-19
Type Legislations or other statutory regulations
Category Promoting the economic, labour market and social recovery into a green future
– Active labour market policies (enhancing employability, training, subsidised job creation, etc.)
Author Heloisa Perista and Maria da Paz Campos Lima (CESIS)
Measure added 10 July 2020 (updated 05 August 2020)

Background information

The Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 41/2020, of 6 June, that approved the Economic and Social Stabilisation Programme, established new measures to promote and extend teleworking (2.6), among which is the support to business in the interior regions with incidence on support to companies for hiring on the basis of teleworking contracts (

Content of measure

Within the scope of the +CO3SO Jobs Programme a new support to job creation was put in place supporting all the direct costs associated with the jobs created, namely the remuneration plus the respective contributory expenses borne by the employer, for a maximum period of 36 months.

In addition to this support, the measure Working in the Interior Regions Programme (2.6.2) provides additional support to coastal companies that create teleworking jobs in interior regions ( Coastal companies will receive an amount equivalent to 0.5% of Social Support Index (SSI in 2020 = 438,81€), per job created, for each month of support, regardless of the number of jobs created, whenever teleworking jobs are created in interior regions.

Use of measure

Not estimated yet.

Target groups

Workers Businesses Citizens
Applies to all workers Applies to all businesses Applies to all citizens

Actors and funding

Actors Funding
National government
Company / Companies
Local / regional government
EU (Council, EC, EP)
European Funds

Social partners

Social partners' role in designing the measure and form of involvement:

Trade unions Employers' organisations
Role Consulted Consulted
Form Consultation through tripartite or bipartite social dialogue bodies Consultation through tripartite or bipartite social dialogue bodies

Social partners' role in the implementation, monitoring and assessment phase:

  • Unknown
  • Main level of involvement: Peak or cross-sectoral level


Social Partners were consulted at the Standing Committee for Social Concertation.

Views and reactions



  • 06 June 2020: Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 41/2020 (


Eurofound (2020), Support to companies for hiring on the basis of teleworking contracts in interior regions, measure PT-2020-23/966 (measures in Portugal), EU PolicyWatch, Dublin,


Eurofound publications based on EU PolicyWatch

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Disclaimer: This information has not been subject to the full Eurofound evaluation, editorial and publication process.