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EU PolicyWatch

Database of national-level policy measures

Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.

Factsheet for measure HR-2021-4/1747 Updated – measures in Croatia

Seafarers proclaimed key workers and obtain exemption payment of personal income tax

Pomorci proglašeni ključnim radnicima i ostvarili izuzeće od plaćanja poreza na dohodak

Country Croatia , applies nationwide
Time period Temporary, 20 January 2021 – 31 March 2021
Context COVID-19
Type Legislations or other statutory regulations
Category Ensuring business continuity and support for essential services
– Remuneration and rewards for workers in essential services
Author Predrag Bejakovic (IJF)
Measure added 01 February 2021 (updated 18 November 2021)

Background information

Many Croats are working as maritime officers and seafarers on foreign ships, according to the estimation by Seafarers’ Union of Croatia, total number of employees from Croatian on domestic owned ships under foreign flags and foreign ships was around 20,000. Seafarers’ Union of Croatia (which also as members has Croatia on foreign ships) has demanded for months to the responsible Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure to proclaim seafarers as key workers during the COVID-19 crisis.

Content of measure

Now more than ever, the society depends on the seafarers to maintain the supply lines and communication between the mainland and islands. Seafarers are working intensely together to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. On 20 January 2021, the responsibly Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure has upgraded the e-Pomorac Internet public service system, which is located within the e-Citizens system. It enables seafarers the registration of the navigation service and performed working days. All Croatian seafarers, who in 2020 were embarked on ships in international navigation without the mediation of a shipowner, company or intermediary in the employment of seafarers, should report until 31 January 2020, on the realised navigation service in 2020. These days should be in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Act (OG 181/04, 76/07, 146/08, 61/11, 56/13, 26/15, 17/19) and the Minister’s Direction (KLASA: 810-03/20-01/30 URBROJ: 530-04-20-6 Zagreb, from 24 April 2020). If they obtain recognition of 183 days of work on international ships they are exempt from payment of the personal income tax for seafarers during the pandemic COVID-19.

For the Croatian seafarers, who in 2020 were embarked on ships in international navigation with the mediation of a shipowner, company or intermediary in the employment of seafarers, the mentioned registration will be realised by the responsible bodies.


The following updates to this measure have been made after it came into effect.

20 September 2021

The Croatian Seafarers' Union announced on 7 September 2021, that eight crew members of the AS ROSALIA, who had not been vaccinated in their country, had been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus in the City of Rijeka. Croatia confirmed that it considers seafarers to be key workers and acted in accordance with the Seafarers' Labor Convention. The Convention stipulates the obligation of all signatory states to provide health care for all seafarers arriving in Croatian ports. However, there is obvious weak collaboration between various international bodies responsible for seafarers’ work and health. An example for such statement is the experience of a Croatia sailor who decided to be vaccinated in the homeland with a second dose in order to be issued a valid COVID passport. However, at the place provided for vaccination, he was denied a passport certificate because he was vaccinated abroad with the first dose. The mentioned seafarer managed to get vaccinated in another place, but it is not clear whether he managed to get the disputed certificate. Although Croatia has fulfilled its obligation under the Convention, it is not clear what about other countries and what can seafarers expect after vaccination? The risk of infection to which seafarers around the world are exposed, should not be overlooked. The huge crisis is also affecting the mental health of seafarers, so in the last year and a half, the number of seafarers suffering from anxiety and depression has drastically increased. Many countries have recognized seafarers as key workers, which automatically puts them in a group to which different rules apply when it comes to travel. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they can avoid quarantines when coming to foreign countries. Given that each state has its own rules and measures to prevent the spread of the virus, seafarers can only hope that the pandemic will end as soon as possible.

Use of measure

It is hard to estimate the exact number of seafarers who will obtain mentioned right, but according to the assessment by Seafarers’ Union of Croatia, from total number of employees from Croatia on domestic owned ships under foreign flags and foreign ships (around 20,000) from a half to two-thirds will fulfilled mentioned criteria of 183 on foreign ship.

Target groups

Workers Businesses Citizens
Particular professions
Does not apply to businesses Does not apply to citizens

Actors and funding

Actors Funding
National government
No special funding required

Social partners

Social partners' role in designing the measure and form of involvement:

Trade unions Employers' organisations
Role Consulted Agreed (outcome) incl. social partner initiative
Form Any other form of consultation, institutionalised (as stable working groups or committees) or informal Any other form of consultation, institutionalised (as stable working groups or committees) or informal

Social partners' role in the implementation, monitoring and assessment phase:

  • Only trade unions
  • Main level of involvement: Peak or cross-sectoral level


As mentioned, Seafarers’ Union of Croatia (which also as members has Croatian on foreign ships) has demanded for months to the responsible Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure to proclaim seafarers as key workers during the COVID-19 crisis. Now more than ever, the society depends on the seafarers to maintain the supply lines and communication between the mainland and islands. Seafarers are working intensely together to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

Views and reactions

The Seafarers’ Union of Croatia is pleased that this issue has been resolved fully aware of the importance of seafarers in the circumstances of the COVID-19 crisis. They also underline that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and UN have accepted the Resolution in which they demand from the governments to proclaim seafarers as key workers. The Seafarers’ Union of Croatia demanded the same from Croatian government. Seafarers’ Union of Croatia is satisfied that the Republic of Croatia has recognized the importance of such initiative for Croatian seafarers.

Sectors and occupations

    • Economic area Sector (NACE level 2)
      H - Transportation And Storage H50 Water transport
    • Occupation (ISCO level 2)
      Stationary plant and machine operators


  • 20 January 2021: Informacija za pomorce - glede provedbi odredbi Pomorskog zakonika / ostvarivanje 183 dana za pomorce u međunarodnoj plovidbi (Information for seafareres on required 183 days in international sail) (
  • 25 January 2021: Pomorci - ključni radnici i u Republici Hrvatskoj (Seafarers - key workers in Croatia) (
  • 20 September 2021: Neizvjestan položaj pomoraca s obzirom na potvrde o cijepljenju (Uncertain position of seafarers with regard to vaccination certificates) (


Eurofound (2021), Seafarers proclaimed key workers and obtain exemption payment of personal income tax, measure HR-2021-4/1747 (measures in Croatia), EU PolicyWatch, Dublin,


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Disclaimer: This information has not been subject to the full Eurofound evaluation, editorial and publication process.