Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.
Factsheet for measure FR-2020-10/462 – Updated – measures in France
Country | France , applies nationwide |
Time period | Open ended, started on 01 March 2020 |
Context | COVID-19 |
Type | Legislations or other statutory regulations |
Category |
Employment protection and retention
– Income support for people in employment (e.g., short-time work) |
Author | Frédéric Turlan (IRshare) and Eurofound |
Measure added | 10 April 2020 (updated 29 November 2023) |
The short-time working (activité partielle /partial activity or chômage partiel /partial unemployment) is a tool of public policy of prevention of economic layoffs, which allows employers in difficulty to to cover all or part of the cost of the remuneration of their employees
This system is an old one and is in general reactivated in times of crisis, as happened also in 2008. It is governed by Articles L. 5122-1 et seq. and R. 5122-1 et seq. of the French Labor Code.
In the context of the health crisis linked to COVID-19, the requirements to access to the instrument were relaxed. The partial activity is intended for all employees who suffer a reduction in remuneration attributable to:
Requests for partial activity are made by employers if the drop in activity is caused by one of the reasons referred to in Article R. 5122-1 of the Labour Code, including circumstances of an exceptional nature, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the period of partial activity:
The short-time working scheme covers all employees of the private sector. With the new provisions adopted to cope with the COVID-19 crisis, the partial activity allowance paid by the State to the company - co-financed by the State and by the joint body that manages the unemployment insurance scheme (Unédic) - is no longer a lump sum, but is proportional to the remuneration of employees placed in partial activity.
The 'remainder payable' by the employer, i.e. the amount of the remuneration which the employer must pay to the employee, is zero for all employees whose remuneration is less than 4.5 gross SMIC (€45.68 per hour or €6,927.39 per month).
The compensation due to the employee covers at least 70% of his previous gross remuneration, i.e. approximately 84% of the net salary.
There is nothing to prevent an employer from compensating its employees in excess of 70% of gross salary if it can/wishes to do so or if a collective or company-level agreement so provides.
In all cases, a minimum of €8.03 per hour must be respected.
Specific measures are planned for employees of specific private employers (cleaning staff) and childcare assistants (who look after young children) who are usually paid by the hour with a job voucher system.
The following updates to this measure have been made after it came into effect.
28 April 2023 |
The minimum hourly rate of the partial activity allowance has been revalued as of 1 May 2023, as set out in a decree dated 28 April 2023 (see Source box). From now on, the minimum rate of €8.21 will apply to hours of unemployment compensated under traditional partial activity. This rate is raised to €9.12 for companies that have introduced long-term partial activity. |
01 April 2022 |
As of 1 April, by governmental decision, only vulnerable employees or those obliged to look after a child and unable to telework will continue to be entitled to full reimbursement of short-time working. In fact, all companies using this scheme are now subject to the common law rates, i.e. an allowance paid to employees corresponding to 60% of their previous gross remuneration and an allowance reimbursed to employers equal to 36% of the previous gross remuneration. In order to benefit from more advantageous rates, companies retain the possibility of implementing long-term short-time working (APLD). |
17 March 2022 |
On 17 March, in order to cope with the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine, the government has announced that the short-time working scheme (common law) or the long-term short-time working scheme (APLD) are part of the measures that can be mobilised by employers as part of the Economic and Social Resilience Plan presented on 16 March by the Prime Minister. In a "question and answer" circular dated 17 March 2022, the Ministry of Labour details their implementation procedures. It also sent two draft texts, an ordinance and a decree, for consult social partners, to the National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training (CNNCEFP) to adapt the APLD system. According to the Ministry of Labour, the company that would see its activities slowed down or stopped due to the economic consequences of the conflict in Ukraine can therefore be eligible for partial activity under the "exceptional circumstances" provided for by the Labour Code. On the other hand, this eligibility does not cover a company that voluntarily closes its establishment. No mechanism for increasing the rates of reimbursement is envisaged in relation to the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine. The employees concerned will therefore receive an allowance equal to 60% of their previous gross pay, up to a maximum of 4.5 Smic and a minimum of €8.37. The allowance then reimbursed to the employer will amount to 36% of the employee's previous gross pay, up to a limit of 36% of 4.5 Smic and a floor of €7.53. The remainder borne by the company will amount to 40% of the compensation. The company must demonstrate that there is a direct or indirect link between the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the drop in the company's activity. For example, the company can prove that the sharp increase in the price of gas or oil has had a significant impact on the company's business. Employees with an employment contract under French law and employed by Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian companies established in France and whose activity is reduced due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine are eligible for the partial activity scheme under ordinary law and the APLD, the Q&A states. |
28 February 2022 |
Now that "the period of massive recourse to partial activity seems to be over", the organisation that manages partial unemployment schemes, Unédic, has drawn up a report on the state of play of partial unemployment in a study published on 28 February 2022. Unédic concludes that partial unemployment has been and "could in the future remain an important lever for supporting employment". This study underlines that it is mainly small establishments and those in the sectors most affected by health restrictions that have made long-term use of it. On the employee side, it has been widely used, but has particularly helped those close to the minimum wage and on long-term employment contracts (permanent or fixed-term contracts). On the other hand, although it welcomes "the capacity of the system to offer great internal flexibility to companies", Unédic points out that access to training is difficult during the periods of use, and that the financial cost could last. |
24 February 2022 |
While it was supposed to end on 28 February 2022, the full coverage of short-time working in the companies most affected by the health crisis remains in force until 31 March 2022. Thus, for those companies that continue to suffer the effects of health restrictions on their activity, the compensation paid to employees in short-time working, as well as the allowance granted to the employer, will continue to be calculated at a rate of 70% of the previous gross remuneration, within the limit of a remuneration capped at 70% of 4.5 Minimum wage (SMIC) and a minimum hourly rate of €8.37. From 1 April 2022, the common law rates will in principle apply to all companies (an allowance at 60% of the previous gross remuneration and an allowance at 36%). |
28 December 2021 |
Most of the sectors and companies that benefit in December 2021 from full coverage of short-time working costs will continue to benefit from it until the end of January 2022, i.e. for an additional month. Two decrees of 27 December provide a framework for this extension and make a few adjustments to the partial activity scheme. Since 1 December 2021, in order to benefit from the increased rates, companies in the so called 'protected sectors' must prove a 65% drop in turnover, instead of the previous 80%. The text also authorises certain employers to use short-time working between 1 January and 31 March 2022, even if they have reached the maximum authorisation period of six months in a year. |
11 November 2021 |
The law on various health vigilance provisions (La loi portant diverses dispositions de vigilance sanitaire) of 10 November, which notably allows the health pass to be maintained until 31 July 2022, extends until 31 July 2022 the possibility of modulating the hourly rate of the allowance and the partial activity allowance to deal with the consequences of the health crisis linked to COVID-19. |
29 September 2021 |
A decree of 29 September 2021 raises to €7.47 the minimum hourly rate of the short-working allowance paid to the employer from 1 October 2021. It also provides for a specific floor of €8.30 for companies that continue to benefit from an increased rate of short-working allowance due to the COVID-19-related health crisis. This same minimum allowance of €8.30 also benefits employers who have implemented long-term short-working (APLD) in their company. |
29 September 2021 |
According to the DARES-ACEMO survey, recourse to partial unemployment fell again in August: 480,000 employees were effectively in partial activity in August 2021 (i.e. 2.4% of private sector employees), after 600,000 in July, for a number of hours unemployed corresponding to 180,000 employees working full time during the month (see sources). |
31 May 2021 |
The government is empowered, by the law of 31 May 2021 (see source section), to issue orders until 30 September 2021, in order to adapt and extend the exceptional measures taken to limit the consequences of the health crisis on employment in several areas, such as short-working scheme and long-term short-working scheme (APLD). |
28 May 2021 |
Postponed month after month since January 2021 due to the persistence of the effects and restrictions linked to the health crisis, the reduction in the level of short-time working allowance financed by the State must begin in June 2021 as provided for in two decrees of 28 May 2021. This reduction will not lead to the application of the common law rates as of 1 June. In accordance with the government's announcements, the reduction in compensation for employees and employers will be done in stages, and in a more gradual manner in companies in "protected sectors" or undergoing administrative closures. |
30 March 2021 |
Allowance paid to the employer
For employees on an apprenticeship or "professionalisation" contract, the rate of the allowance is equal to the rate of the allowance paid to the employee. Particularities of short-time working for protected sectors most in difficulty Employers belonging to the so-called protected sectors are considered to be in the greatest difficulty if they suffer a drop in turnover of at least 80%. This assessment is made each month:
For these companies, between 1 May 2021 and 30 June 2021 the rate of allowance applicable in respect of hours of unemployment is set at 70% of hourly pay, up to a limit of 70% of 4.5 Minimum wage (SMIC), with an hourly floor of €8.11. The hourly rate of the partial activity allowance is maintained at 70% of the employee's previous gross remuneration with an hourly floor of €8.11. There is therefore no remaining cost for these employers. Particularities for businesses that receive the public and are totally or partially closed by administrative decision The employers concerned are:
By way of derogation, until 31 June 2021, the short-time working allowance is equal to 70% of the employee's previous gross remuneration, within the limit of 70% of 4.5 SMIC. The hourly floor of €8.11 applies. The short-time working allowance is maintained at 70% of the employee's previous gross remuneration, up to 70% of 4.5 SMIC. The hourly floor of €8.11 applies. There is therefore no remaining cost for these employers. |
10 February 2021 |
The possibility of modulating the partial activity allowance rate for the benefit of the companies most affected by the COVID-19 health crisis was extended until the end of 2021 by an order dated 10 February 2021. A second order of the same day also provides that the "protected sectors" that have suffered a very sharp drop in turnover will benefit from an increased rate of support from 1 March to 30 June 2021. |
06 August 2020 |
The short-time working scheme has been progressively adapted to the health and economic situation. The main changes are the following:
03 June 2020 |
France’s National Assembly and Senate are close to the final adoption (by 10 June) of the emergency bill that contains new provisions for other urgent measures as well as for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union. The agreement reached between the two Chambers on 02 June, which has yet to be formally adopted, empowers the Government to further adapt the short time working scheme to take account of the needs of a gradual recovery and to create a special provision for companies permanently affected by the crisis although not likely to fail. New short time working provision based on collective bargaining and ‘quid pro quos’. A new mechanism that provides long-term support for companies in return for a set of commitments, particularly in terms of maintaining employment, is thus being planned. Both the level of compensation for employees whose activity is reduced and the level of State reimbursement have yet to be established by decree, but the idea is to increase the State element if the company, that has had to make recourse short time working to persevere through the crisis, negotiates or enters into a collective sector agreement, which not only defines the terms of the short time working, but also provides for company commitment in return, and in particular in terms of maintaining employment. This mechanism, known as ‘short time working to maintain employment’, is aimed at ‘companies faced with a lasting reduction in activity and whose survival is not compromised’, under a set of certain conditions and cases that are still to be determined. The agreement and documents implementing the sector agreement with this framework will have to be approved by the labor administration. Short time working to be adapted from 01 June for six months to facilitate the recovery. The extraordinary short time working scheme was initially set up amid the health crisis, and has been amended several times. It may be amended once more in order to adapt it to the economic recovery and the situation of certain sectors and employees. Once adopted, the bill authorized the government to issue a new ordinance to adapt short time working rules ‘to the specificities of the companies according to the economic impact of the health crisis, their sector of activity and the categories of employees concerned (...).' Monetizing leave periods. The text also allows a collective agreement to allow for employees who have suffered a reduction in their remuneration due to being placed on short time working, to voluntarily supplement their income by monetizing rest days or paid holidays, for up to a maximum of 5 days. The agreed text also provides that employees under short time working conditions must also benefit from the maintenance of their collective guarantees and that, as an exception, the periods between 1 March 2020 and 31 December 2020, during which contributing workers received the short time working allowances, would be taken into account for the purposes of enabling the right to a retirement pension. Planet Labor, 03 June 2020, No.11981 |
26 May 2020 |
On 1st June 2020, the financial cover for partial activity (short-time work) will be changed from 70% to 60%. Even if ‘compensation paid to the employee remains unchanged’ (70% of gross salary, i.e. 84% of net salary and at least the net minimum wage), the level covered by the State and the unemployment agency will be lowered so that companies will now be reimbursed up to 60% of gross salary, capped at 4.5x minimum wage, instead of 70%. Sectors subject to special legislative or regulatory restrictions due to the health crisis will continue to benefit from 100% cover. This measure still has to be made the subject of a decree, which will be issued following adoption of a bill treating several health crisis related provisions that is currently under Parliamentary discussion. Source: Planet Labour. |
According to DARES ( DARES 2013, L'activité partielle en 2021 et au premier semestre 2022 ), the partial activity or short-time working scheme has been heavily mobilised since the start of the health crisis linked to Covid-19 health crisis and will be scaled up from March 2020. At the height of the crisis, in April 2020, 8.3 million employees were placed on partial unemployment. From 2015 to 2019, only 38,000 employees were placed in partial activity on average each month, mainly in the industrial sector (54%), most often to cope with difficulties linked to the economic situation or exceptional circumstances. In the first half of 2021, partial activity will affect an average of two million employees each month, rising to 2.6 million in April during the last period of confinement. This is a high level, but below the peaks seen in 2020. From the second half of 2021 onwards, the gradual lifting of the health restrictions and the reduction in the burden on the public authorities will lead to a gradual reduction in the use of partial activity, which will affect only 500,000 employees in July 2021 and 135,000 in June 2022. Although declining, recourse to partial activity remains more than three times higher in mid-2022 than that observed on average each month between 2015 and 2019.
According to the most recent data recorded by DARES, 113,110 employees were in short-time working at the 4th quarter 2022. It decreased to 106,180 at the Quarter-1 2023 and 73,280 at the Quarter-2, 2023 ( DARES, 2023, Le chômage partiel, données )
Workers | Businesses | Citizens |
Employees in standard employment
Does not apply to businesses | Does not apply to citizens |
Actors | Funding |
National government
Company / Companies Public employment service |
Employer National funds Other |
Social partners' role in designing the measure and form of involvement:
Trade unions | Employers' organisations | |
Role | Consulted | Consulted |
Form | Consultation through tripartite or bipartite social dialogue bodies | Consultation through tripartite or bipartite social dialogue bodies |
Social partners' role in the implementation, monitoring and assessment phase:
Social partners were not consulted on the first regulations, even some could have been informed or consulted informally. However, for the last measures adopted, they were involved and consulted as usual.
The works council has to be consulted before the first employee is placed in the short-time working scheme. However, in case of exceptional circumstances, the advice of the work council can be sent to the public authorities (DIRECCTE) in the two months after the start of the short-time working scheme.
Eurofound (2020), Short-time working, measure FR-2020-10/462 (measures in France), EU PolicyWatch, Dublin,
30 January 2023
Governments across the EU continue to implement policies to support citizens and businesses in the face of rising food and energy prices caused by the COVID-19 crisis and intensified by the war in Ukraine. This article summarises the policy responses as reported in Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch database from January to September 2022.
Article12 September 2022
Although the worldwide pandemic situation had already disrupted supply chains and triggered increases in energy and food prices in 2021, the situation deteriorated in 2022 with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Article12 September 2022
This article summarises the first policy responses that governments across the EU have started to implement to support companies affected by the rising prices, and those with commercial ties to Ukraine, Russia or Belarus.
Article5 July 2022
This article summarises the first policy responses of EU Member States, including those of the social partners and other civil society actors, enabling refugees to exercise their rights under the Temporary Protection Directive.
ArticleDisclaimer: This information has not been subject to the full Eurofound evaluation, editorial and publication process.