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EU PolicyWatch

Database of national-level policy measures

Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.

Factsheet for measure FI-2023-10/3159 – measures in Finland

Reimbursement and extended payment periods of electricity bills

Sähköhyvitys ja sähkölaskujen maksuaikojen pidentäminen

Country Finland , applies nationwide
Time period Temporary, 06 March 2023 – 31 December 2023
Context War in Ukraine, Cost of Living Crisis
Type Legislations or other statutory regulations
Category Promoting the economic, labour market and social recovery into a green future
– Support for energy bills
Author Elina Härmä (Oxford Research)
Measure added 22 May 2023 (updated 19 June 2023)

Background information

The government has drawn up several new temporary legislative measures in response to the economic challenges that citizens have been experiencing due to the increased electricity prices.

The acts on retroactive reimbursement for electricity costs (laki takautuvasti maksettavasta väliaikaisesta sähköhyvityksestä) [275/2023] and extended payment periods of electricity bills (laki sähköenergialaskujen maksuajan pidentämisestä ja sähköyhtiöiden maksuvalmiuden väliaikaisesta tukemisesta) [276/2023] entered into force in the beginning of March 2023. The acts are intended to help households and companies to pay their previous electricity bills.

Content of measure

Those with electricity costs exceeding 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, and with electricity contracts based on spot prices (pörssisähkösopimus) will receive retroactive reimbursements for electricity costs per metering point. The reimbursement will be paid over four winter months for 50% of the electricity bill that exceeds €90 per month, with a maximum of €700 reimbursement per month. The instalments are paid in April 2023 and are based on energy consumption between November 2022 and January 2023.

The reimbursement is paid by the retail seller of electricity who will be compensated by the State Treasury. They will need to apply for compensation. The government has established a budget of €400 million for these retroactive reimbursements.

The Act was implemented and is supervised by the Energy Agency (Energiavirasto).

Retail sellers will also extend payment periods for consumption-related electricity bills from 1 January to 30 April 2023, upon customer request. Households may receive up to 120 days of extension and businesses may receive up to 60 days of extension on their bills. Credit institutions and financial institutions are not eligible for an extension. Central government guarantees may be granted to retail sellers to support liquidity.

Use of measure

The reimbursement is paid to all consumers who have signed an electricity contract as private persons, as well as to all self-employed persons with a business ID as long as half of energy consumption is for private usage.

In 2021 there were 3.2 million electricity contracts in Finnish households.

The Energy Agency does not have precise information on how many people have signed an electricity contract for their detached house with a business ID. There are about 250,000 self-employed people and more that 40,000 self-employed people within the farming industry in Finland.

Target groups

Workers Businesses Citizens
Does not apply to workers Solo-self-employed
Applies to all citizens

Actors and funding

Actors Funding
National government
Company / Companies
National funds

Social partners

Social partners' role in designing the measure and form of involvement:

Trade unions Employers' organisations
Role No involvement as case not in social partner domain Consulted
Form Not applicable Direct consultation outside a formal body

Social partners' role in the implementation, monitoring and assessment phase:

  • Unknown
  • Main level of involvement: Sectoral or branch level


Social partners were involved in the consultation process when the legislative proposal was being drafted by the government. The consultation received responses from several industry partners, such as Finnish Energy (Energiateollisuus ry), Confederation of Finnish Industries (Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK), the organisation representing Finnish entrepreneurs (Suomen Yrittäjät), and the Finnish Hospitality Association (Matkailu- ja Ravintolapalvelut MaRa ry).

Views and reactions

According to the representative of the electricity industry, Finnish Energy, the measure would be difficult to implement due to the complexity of making payments in the proposed way. One critique concerned the fact that there are around 60 electricity retailers in Finland, with very different customer information systems.


  • 17 October 2022: Yle (2022), "Pörssisähkön käyttäjien määrä kovassa kasvussa – "Usein ainoa vaihtoehto, jos sopimus katkolla", kerrotaan Energiavirastosta" (
  • 24 January 2023: Yle (2023), "Sähkön kertatuelle kritiikkiä monimutkaisuudesta: Energiateollisuus pohti tilalle 40–60 prosentin alennusta kuluttajan sähkölaskuun" (
  • 06 February 2023: Kuluttajaliitto (2023), "Lausunto takautuvasti maksettavaa sähköhyvitystä sekä sähköenergialaskujen maksuaikojen pidennystä koskevaksi väliaikaiseksi lainsäädännöksi" (
  • 03 March 2023: Lakitakautuvasti maksettavasta väliaikaisesta sähköhyvityksestä (2023) (
  • 03 March 2023: Laki sähköenergialaskujen maksuajan pidentämisestä ja sähköyhtiöiden maksuvalmiuden väliaikaisesta tukemisesta (2023) (
  • 02 May 2023: Aamulehti (2023) "Energiavirasto avasi tiistaina lomakkeen kuluttajille, jotka ovat jääneet ilman sähköhyvitystä" (


Eurofound (2023), Reimbursement and extended payment periods of electricity bills, measure FI-2023-10/3159 (measures in Finland), EU PolicyWatch, Dublin,


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Disclaimer: This information has not been subject to the full Eurofound evaluation, editorial and publication process.